
【商務英語】Lesson 021 - Remembering Names



  (Office ambience)

  C: Hi, Amy. 你在這兒太好了。我正好有個題目请求教你。

  A: What is it?

  C: 我開端正在那女工做以來,結識了良多人,到哪兒都会掽上,但卻記不住他們的名字。

  A: I have a simple way to remember names.

  C: 那你快教教我,甚麼好办法。

  A: I have an acronym that helps me.


  C: 那是什麼?

  A: An acronym is an abbreviation formed by using the first letter of words in a phrase or name.

  C: 我曉得了,就是几個單詞的英文尾寫字母的縮寫。

  A: The acronym I use to remember names is FACE. F stands for focus。 您第一次睹到一小我俬傢,起重要留心他的名字。


  A: The "A" is for ask. Repeat the name in the form of a question. For example, if you are introduced to Bill, 你就能夠問, "Bill?"

  C: 聽起來不偶異嗎?

  A: 诚然不了. It is natural that you would want to verify the name and make sure you heard correctly. 越是不經常应用的名字,便越應噹問清楚。


  A: The "C" is for comment. Make a comment about the person's name - a comment that connects the name to someone or something that you can recall later.

  C: 你是讲如果有人叫Bill,我就可以夠說"Bill? As in President Bill Clinton?"

  A: 你實是一面就通。It is also a conversation starter so now you see why you don't need to worry about what to say next. It comes naturally.

  C: 對呀。如許接下來就有話題了。那最后一個字母E呢?

  M:"E" stands for employment. Employ means to use the name in conversation with the person. Using the name helps you remember it.


  A:I am happy to repeat it. First you focus and think only of the other person's name. Next you ask or repeat the name in the form of a question. Then you make a comment about the name. Finally you employ or use the name while you are speaking with the person.

  C: Thank you. 来日凌晨我刚好有一個事情宴會,到時辰一定要嘗嘗這個訣竅。

