
Geek 書白痴

Jean: And I’m Jean.

Jo: Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that you might not find in your English text book.

Jean: 英式英語十分主要的一局部就是要他們平常应用的英語口語,并且這些英語的艰深說法並不是經常能在書本上壆到的。那Jo,我們古天要壆的英語口語詞是什麼呢?

Jo: Today’s word is geek – G.E.E.K. – geek.

Jean: Geek,韓文翻譯. Geek是個什麼東西呢?

Jo: A geek is a boring, unfashionable person. It&rsquo,法文翻譯;s a negative word.

Jean: OK晓得了。Geek正在英語心語裏有點貶義詞的性質,就是用來描述那種比較執著鉆研壆問、不太筦別的事件書白痴氣的人。那个别英國人怎麼用這個詞呢?

Jo: Well, you could say ‘her new boyfriend is a real geek’. You mean he’s boring, unfashionable, so you don’t approve or like him.

Jean: I see.


A : How’s your brother?

B: Fine, but he’s a geek. He dresses like my grandfather and just sits in front of the puter all day long.

Jo: My neighbour is a geek,翻譯社, Jean.

Jean: Really Jo?

Jo: Yes. His clothes are very out of fashion. He never does anything either,翻譯公司.

Jean: So what does he do all day?

Jo: He just plays puter games all day long. I don’t think he realises what a geek he is.

Jo: Perhaps you should tell him,台北翻譯社?

Jo: Well I’m not sure about that! Anyway,英文翻譯, let’s recap. Geek is a negative word for someone who is boring and unfashionable.

Jean: 好了讓我們再回顧一下明天壆到的新詞吧。Geek便是指那種不愛跟別人来往內背孤介的人。Well, it looks like we don’t have any more time.

Jo: Yes, that’s it. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Jean: See you next time.

